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Nikoro 6L Cat Litter


Japan Imported Tofu Bentonite Mixed Sand Deodorant Dust-Free Group Flush Toilet


SKU: 4580727262203 Categories: , , Tags: , , Availability: Out of stock


💙 Fast Clumping – Small particles of bentonite clay fill in the gaps of tofu cat litter, uniting tight and won’t stick on paws

💙 Excellent odour absorption & scientific anti-bacteria

💙 Dissolves in water and flushes away into the toilet

✔ 70% Pea Fibre 2mm diameterTofu Litter ~ Fast dissolving in water to avoid clogging of the toilet

✔ 28% Calcium based Bentonite ~ Better clumping

✔ Pro-C Deodorising and Antibacterial Factor ~ Remove odour effectively

💙 Virtually Dust Free – Protects cat’s urinary tract & respiratory health

💙 NO Formaldehyde NO Aflatoxin NO Industrial Adhesive


Specification: 6L/2.5KG

Shelf life: 24 months at room temperature

Ingredients: Pea fibre, corn starch, bentonite clay, Pro-C deodorising factor



💙闪电成团 — 小颗粒膨润土填补豆腐猫砂空隙,团结紧致不粘爪

💙科学抑菌 强力吸臭 — 添加了Pro-C除臭抑菌银子 奈米级微孔结构 快速全面媳妇异味

💙遇水溶解 一冲即走 — 直接冲入马桶 便捷省事

✔ 70%豌豆纤维 2mm直径豆腐砂 ~ 速溶解 不堵塞马桶

✔ 28%钙基膨润土 ~ 有效提升团结力

✔Pro-C消臭抗菌因子 ~ 最佳覆盖吸附祛异味

💙接近“0”粉尘 — 多道震荡式除尘工艺 有效呵护猫咪泌尿系统的同时也守护人宠呼吸道健康

💙超强吸水力 — 洁净干爽 瞬吸不粘底

💙0 甲醛 0 黄曲霉毒素 0 工业胶





Additional information

Weight2.7 kg
Dimensions35 × 25 × 4 cm


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